Many people know that training and nutrition are two crucial factors for increasing muscle mass. But did you know that -
"sleep is the best muscle-building drug" is not an exaggeration?
Deep Sleep and Protein Synthesis: The Key to Muscle Growth
The importance of sleep for fitness results has been proven by experimental research. Studies have found that during the deep sleep stage, the body's protein synthesis rate significantly increases, which means our muscles can recover and grow faster.
Moreover, quality sleep can improve our training performance because sleep optimizes the body's glucose metabolism, providing us with ample energy.
The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation:
The Number One Killer of Muscle Gain and Fat Loss
Many fitness enthusiasts have experienced this: due to work or study, they couldn't get enough sleep at night, and their performance in the gym the next day was greatly compromised. This is no coincidence, as sleep deprivation affects your muscle-building results in multiple ways.
A study in the “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” pointed out that people who lack sleep lose up to 60% more muscle mass during a cutting phase compared to those who get enough sleep! This is mainly because sleep deprivation reduces the normal secretion of growth hormone and testosterone.
Furthermore, sleep deprivation lowers insulin sensitivity, increases cortisol levels, and intensifies the body's fatigue, affecting your training intensity and efficiency.
The Sleep Duration Required for Muscle Growth:
7-9 Hours of Quality Sleep of high-quality sleep.
If your exercise volume is higher, you may need even longer sleep duration. In addition to sleep duration, "sleep quality" is equally important. Quality sleep should include "sufficient deep sleep" (non-rapid eye movement) and "an appropriate amount of rapid eye movement sleep":
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep - accounts for about 75%-80% of sleep time, divided into three stages. Provides tissue repair, growth recovery, and growth hormone release.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep - accounts for about 20%-25% of sleep time, the stage of active dreaming, assisting cognitive functions such as memory and learning.
Best Sleep Advice:
"Is Eight Hours means Perfect?"
Research by renowned neuroscientist Professor Andrew Huberman shows that compared to sleep duration, "sleep regularity" is more critical for maximizing muscle growth.
Maintain a regular sleep schedule: Keeping a fixed bedtime and wake-up time every day is more important than simply pursuing total sleep duration.
Avoid eating before bed: Avoid eating within 2-3 hours before bedtime, which helps improve sleep quality and growth hormone secretion.
Take moderate naps: If you need to nap, it's recommended to sleep for 20-30 minutes to avoid entering the deep sleep stage.
In summary, sleep allows you to maintain a regular schedule, regulate your body's biological clock, and optimize the secretion and function of growth hormone, making it the best partner for muscle growth. Immediately check your sleep quality, optimize your sleep habits, and make your muscle-building journey smoother!
About Us -
DAILYCALI means "Everyday Calisthenics Without Weights". Our mission is to apply exercise science in coaching to reduce the risk of injury and to unlock each movement in a more systematic way.
Since 21", DAILYCALI has been dedicated to promoting the new style of bodyweight training courses. All courses are taught in English and Chinese and are offered in a variety of time slots.
We understand that the real goal of our students is not a lack of skill but a “Lack of CONFIDENCE" in progressing.
& that's the reason - Why We Here.
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References -
1. Jonathan Cedernaes et al. ,Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans.Sci. Adv.4,eaar8590(2018).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar8590
2. Nedeltcheva, A. V., Kilkus, J. M., Imperial, J., Schoeller, D. A., & Penev, P. D. (2010). Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. Annals of internal medicine, 153(7), 435–441.
3. Leproult, R., & Van Cauter, E. (2011). Effect of 1 week of sleep restriction on testosterone levels in young healthy men. JAMA, 305(21), 2173–2174.